Kautilya's Arthasastra of R. Shamasastry
Thakur, Jitendra
Edition: New Delhi
₹ 995.00
Title in ENGLISH : The Kautilya's Arthasastra of R. Shamasastry is a work of very exceptional interest and value. The Arthasastra is an ancient Indian Sanskrit treatise on statecraft, economic policy and military strategy. Kautilya is renowned, not only as a king-maker, but also for being the greatest Indian exponent of the art of government, the duties of kings, ministers, and officials, and the methods of diplomacy. The work is divided into 15 parts covering different aspects: Book I covering discipline, Book II explains the duties of government superintendents, Book III concerning law, Book IV removal of thorns, Book V: the conduct of courtiers, Book VI: The Source of Sovereign States, Book VII: The end of the six-fold policy, Book VIII concerning vices and calamities, Book IX: The work of an invader, Book X relating to war, Book XI: The conduct of Corporation, Book XII concerning a powerful enemy, Book XIII: Strategic means to capture a fortress, Book XIV: Secret means and Book XV: The plan of a treatise. While the present book is indispensable for students, researchers and teachers, it is also highly useful for the general reader keenly interested in understanding the Arthasastra.
ISBN 13: 9789387496668
ISBN 10: 938749666X
Edition: New Delhi
Year: 2021
Language: ENGLISH
Binding: Hardbound
Subject(s): Texts
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