Quest of Buddhist Paradigms, in Nepal, Tibet, Mongolia, China and Japan

Chandra, Lokesh

Edition: New Delhi

₹ 2500.00

Satapitaka Series; 663

Title in ENGLISH : The book narrates the interwovenness of culture between India, Nepal, Tibet, Mongolia, China and Japan. It begins with Nepal with its history alive on the waysides and homes, its rich preservation of Buddhist sutras in Sanskrit, esp. the Tattvasangraha which lives in the Shingon denomination in Japan, in the icons of Alchi and in the grandeur of the Borobudur. The second chapter deals with Tibetan studies, edition of the Vinayavastu, the anachronism of Jesus Christ being in the Hemis monastery which was founded as late as the 17th century, the total destruction of Tibetan culture in a long letter of Prof. A.W. Macdonald, saving the Derge monastery and printery by seven encirclements of devotees under the supervision of Ven. Pewar Tulku at the risk of his life, and the Sven Hedin collection in Stockholm. The fourth chapter concerns Mongolian studies: Emperor Ch'ien-lung's edition of the Mongolian Kanjur, and dialogues with Prof. Rinchen on the total cultural genocide in Mongolia.

ISBN 13: 9788194538738

ISBN 10: 8194538734

Edition: New Delhi

Year: 2020

Language: ENGLISH

Subject(s): Buddhism

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