Reenchantment: masterworks of sculpture in village temples of Bihar and Orissa, text and photographs by Rob Linrothe

Edition: New Delhi

₹ 4500.00

Title in ENGLISH : . . . such a beautiful book which should remind us that one not necessarily always needs to see the sculptures [only] as objects of intellectual study but also as source of enjoyment and as remembrance of those who carved them, at times in the most delicate manner and with a powerful outcome. We forget perhaps too often those men who sat on a piece of rock and transformed it in an ideal vision.;Claudine Bautze-Picron, Charg‚e de courshonoraire, Universit‚Libre de Bruxelles, Charg‚e de recherchehonoraire, Centre National de la RechercheScientifique, Paris; author of The Bejewelled Buddha from India to Burma, New Considerations (New Delhi/Kolkata, 2010) and The Forgotten Place, Stone Sculpture at Kurkihar (New Delhi, 2014).;;The book, its stunning photographs, and powerful testimonies make the artistry of the 8th to 13th century come alive in profound ways. One of its spectacular contributions is the way Linrothe demonstrates how these images--and the generations of people who use them--have endured to this day. Such documentation is an important counterpoint to the western chauvinistic view that these art objects are better off, for issues of preservation and visibility, within western museums. This book illustrates how these objects are a beloved and vital part of the history and devotional practice of these communities. ;Melissa R. Kerin,MTS, PhD, Associate Professor of Art History, Washington and Lee University; author of Art and Devotion at a Buddhist Temple in the Indian Himalaya (Indianapolis, 2015) and Artful Beneficence: Selections from the David Nalin Collection (New York, 2009); guest editor for a special issue of the International Journal of Cultural Property: (Re)Collection and Destruction, Defining New Ethical Solutions(Cambridge, U.K., forthcoming).

ISBN 13: 9788193367209

ISBN 10: 8193367200

Edition: New Delhi

Year: 2021

Language: ENGLISH

Subject(s): Fine Arts, Fine Arts, Buddhism

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