Vedic and IndoEuropean studies

Kazanas, Nicholas

Edition: New Delhi

₹ 1600.00

Title in ENGLISH : Almost all the studies in this volume deal with subjects of Vedic and I(ndo-)E(uropean) provenance, i.e. relations of Vedic with Greek, Latin etc. and the fabricated Proto-Indo-European itself. Moreover, all the essays kick off from the RV (Rgveda). They move centripetally from the RV to the diverse areas of Anthropology, History, Linguistics, Philosophy, Poetry and Religion, examining one or other aspect from a new perspective and leading to new unexpected conclusions. When the evidences from Sanskrit and the RV are cosidered, the current theories about, for instance, the origin and development of language and religion are seen to be faulty and in need of thorough revision.;In addition, the cumulative evidences from all these different areas (and others) show that the Indoaryans are indigenous to India from at least the 7th millennium BCE, that Vedic is much older than any other IE language and closest to the Proto-Indo-European mother tongue and that all past and current IE studies should be scratched and a fresh start be made, if it is still thought to be necessary.;;Dr. Nicholas Kazanas is Greek-born. He was educated chiefly in Britain. He read English Literature in University College; Economics and Philosophy at the School of Economic Science; Sanskrit in the School of Oriental and African Studies - all in London. He did his post-graduate studies at SOAS and in Pune and Varanasi. He taught for some years in London. For more than ;20 years now he is the Director of Omilos Meleton, a Cultural Institute in Athens. He has various publications in Greek; several peer-reviewed academic Journals, Western and Indian, have printed his articles on Indology.;

ISBN 13: 9788177421378

ISBN 10: 8177421379

Edition: New Delhi

Year: 2023

Language: ENGLISH

Subject(s): History, Texts, Literature

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