Mythology of Buddhism in Tibet and Mongolia: guide to the lamaist collection of Prince Ukhtomsky, with a foreword by Prince E. Ukhtomsky, transl. by Sushama Lohia

Grunwedel, Albert

Edition: New Delhi

₹ 3600.00

Satapitaka Series; 641

Title in ENGLISH : The German work Mythologie des Buddhismus in Tibet und der Mongolei by the great Buddhologist Albert Grunwedel (Leipzig, 1900) has been translated into English for the first time by Dr. Mrs. Sushama Lohia who did her doctorate under the iconic Mongolist Prof. Walther Heissig. The book traces the development of the Buddhist pantheon in India, its dissemination to Tibet in the first period, Indian and Tibetan masters, and the conversion of the Mongols to the Gelukpa denomination who inherited the rich iconography of Lamaism. The major part is devoted to the iconics of the tutelary deities (yi.dam), Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, goddesses, dakinis, Dharmapalas and local deities. Detailed end-notes are followed by an index. It is a foundational work on Lamaist iconography of Tibet and Mongolia, and a sine qua non for historians of Buddhist art in India and its evolution in the Lamaist world.;Dr. Mrs. Sushama Lohia did her Masters in Sanskrit from the University of Delhi, studied Mongolian under Prof. Walther Heissig, got her doctorate from the University of Bonn in 1968 on the translation and annotations on Mongol Tales of the 32 Wooden Men in the 1746 (1686) version (publ. Otto Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden). She wrote on Lalitavajra's Manual of Buddhist Iconography known as Sku.brnan sum.brgya in Tibetan or 300 Icons with a preface by Lcan.skya Hutuktu (1717-86). Daughter of Prof. RaghuVira and sister of Prof. Lokesh Chandra.;

ISBN 13: 9788177421255

ISBN 10: 8177421255

Edition: New Delhi

Year: 2013

Language: ENGLISH

Subject(s): Buddhism

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