Poetical vision of the Buddha's former lives: seventeen legends from Haribhatta's Jatakamala
Edition: New Delhi
₹ 1600.00
Title in ENGLISH : The present book contains the first Indian edition of 17 (out of 34) legends from the Garland of Birth-Stories (Jatakamala) by the Kashmirian poet Haribhatta who lived not later than 400 CE. His composition, written in the prosimetric campu style, is a worthy successor to Aryasura's Jatakamala.
ISBN 13: 9788177421040
ISBN 10: 8177421042
Edition: New Delhi
Year: 2011
Language: ENGLISH
We undertake to publish high quality research works on Buddhism and Hinduism from scholars around the world. We have been publishing the books under the renowned Satapitaka Series Read More...
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