Mayamata: Traite Sanskrit d'architecture, edition critique, traduction et notes par B. Dagens, Vol.2: Chapters XXVI-XXXVI et Index-Glossaire general (in Sanskrit and French)

Edition: Pondicherry

₹ 520.00

Publications de l'Institut francais d'Indologie; 40.2

Title in : The first complete critical edition and translation of the Mayamata, one of the most famous Sanskrit treatises dealing with architecture and iconography. It comprises 36 chapters dealing with selection of site, town planning, architectural elements, carpentry work (following there the Keralite tradition), as well as with various types of buildings (temples, pavilions, gopuras, houses, palaces), vehicles (temple carts, etc.) and lingas and images. Sanskrit text: Vastusastra, with French translation and introduction.

Edition: Pondicherry

Year: 1976

Binding: Hardbound

Subject(s): Fine Arts

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