Abhisamayalankaramahasastrakaya-sthatika-vyava Abhaya Dharmendra-Mukhagama-Nama by Khenpo Tsondu, transl. into Sanskrit and Hindi
Edition: Sarnath
₹ 35.00
The Dalai Lama Tibeto-Indological Sr.; 9
Title in SANSKRIT AND HINDI : This is an compendium of Abhisamayalankarasastra of Maiteryanath. The eight main topics and the seventy sub-topics of the Abhisamayalankara re explained in detail by means of their definations, divisions and so forth. An appendix and glossary are also added to help the readers. This will certainly prove as a good reference text for studying Abhisamayalankara.
Edition: Sarnath
Year: 1988
Binding: Hardbound
Subject(s): Buddhism
We undertake to publish high quality research works on Buddhism and Hinduism from scholars around the world. We have been publishing the books under the renowned Satapitaka Series Read More...
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