Eating grass: the making of the Pakistani bomb
Khan, Feroz Hassan
Edition: New Delhi
₹ 1195.00
Title in ENGLISH : The book examines how and why Pakistan managed to overcome the wide array of obstacles that stood between it and nuclear weapons and other related matters. This book Written by a 30-year professional in the Pakistani Army who played a senior role formulating and advocating Pakistan's security policy on nuclear and conventional arms control, this book tells the compelling story of how and why Pakistan's government, scientists, and military, persevered in the face of a wide array of obstacles to acquire nuclear weapons. It lays out the conditions that sparked the shift from a peaceful quest to acquire nuclear energy into a full-fledged weapons program, details how the nuclear program was organized, reveals the role played by outside powers in nuclear decisions, and explains how Pakistani scientists overcome the many technical hurdles they encountered.
ISBN 13: 9789381406816
ISBN 10: 9381406812
Edition: New Delhi
Year: 2018
Language: ENGLISH
Subject(s): Defence and Military Studies
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