Thomas, G.P.
Edition: New Delhi
₹ 9000.00
Title in ENGLISH : Captain Thomas has made sketches of the most striking features of the country round Simla; which have been lithographed in the tinted manner by Messrs. Dickinson and published in a folio volume. They are spirited and effective in style, and drawn on the stone with a freedom that is more agreeable than laboured and formal execution; besides being characteristic of the rapid and vigorous pencil of a soldier. These views are remarkable for the variety of climate indicated in them: a water-fall dashing down from a rocky cleft amid trees and herbage, reminds one of Scotland; a sunny hill covered with verdure studded with villas, and having pine-trees rising in the foreground, resembles Italian landscape; and presently we are among dreary solitudes, where mountain-peaks covered with perpetual snow, the crevices bristling with pines, call to mind the sublimity of alpine scenery: occasionally a verdurous plain skirted by wooded heights presents an English aspect; but the recurrence of stupendous masses of rock, with a river forded by Indians, recalls the tree locality; and the vast scale of almost every scene proclaims its Oriental character.
ISBN 13: 9788192450254
ISBN 10: 8192450252
Edition: New Delhi
Year: 2015
Language: ENGLISH
Subject(s): Geography, Fine Arts
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