Tom Raw, the Griffin: a burlesque poem in twelve cantos, illustrated by twenty-five engravings, descriptive of the adventures of a cadet in the East India Company's service, by ...
Edition: New Delhi
₹ 2400.00
Title in ENGLISH : ...a civilion an officer on the Bengal Establishment;;Tom Raw - The Griffin (1828), is burlesque in twelve cantos, originally published with twenty-five engravings. It subject was the life of East India Company cadet, from his recruitment in Britain, to his settling in India. ;The work offers a glimpse into Anglo-Indian social life, manners, and self-perceptions. Based on Charles D'Oyly's personal observations from his varied and rich experiences mostly in Bengal. A griffin according to Hobson-Jobson refers to One newly arrived in India, and unaccustomed to Indian ways and peculiarities. The misfortunes and adventures of a company neophyte continue to be fresh and amusing even centuries after their first publication.;CHARLES D'OYLY (1781-1845) Son of Sir John Hadley D'Oyly, a high-ranking company official in Murshidabad, Charles was educated in England and came back to India in 1797. His professional career included postings as Collector of Dacca, Opium Agent in Bihar, and Senior Member of the Board of Customs, Salt, and Opium. He received knighthood after his retirement in 1838. The greater part of his last years was spent in Italy where he died in September 1845. ;Charles D'Oyly was praised as front-ranking gentleman artist, becoming an important figure in the amateur artist scene in India. He left behind an extensive oeuvre including legendary works such as the Views of Calcutta and its Environs (published posthumously in 1848). His contribution to dissemination of lithograph technology in India is also noteworthy.
ISBN 13: 9788192450230
ISBN 10: 8192450236
Edition: New Delhi
Year: 2013
Language: ENGLISH
Subject(s): Geography, Literature ENGLISH
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