The Goa inquisition: being a quatercentenary commemoration study of the inquisition in India, 2nd reprint

Priolkar, Anant Kakba

Edition: New Delhi

₹ 330.00

Terrible Tribunal for the East

Title in ENGLISH : J.C. BARRETO MIRANDA, a Goan historian, speaks of this Holy office: The cruelties which in the name of the religion of peace and love this tribunal practised in Europe, were carried to even greater excesses in India, where the Inquisitors, surrounded by luxuries which could stand comparison with the regal magnificence of the great potentates of Asia, saw with pride the Archbishop as well as the viceroy submitted to their power. Every word of theirs was a sentence to death and at their slightest nod were moved to terror the vast population spread d been over the Asiatic regions, whose lives fluctuated in their hands, and who, on the most frivolous pretext could be clapped for all time in the deepest dungeons or strangled or offered as food for the flames of the pyre. THE GOA INQUISITION was established in 1560 as recommended earlier by St. Francis Xavier, and finally abolished in 1812. Although its headquarters were at Goa, its jurisdiction extended to entire Portuguese possessions to the East of the Cape of Good Hope, and it had its Commissaries in other major centres. It was started originally to punish Christian converts from Judaism, but next it turned its attention to native converts to Christianity from other faiths, almost all of whom had been converted by threat of force or material rewards. THIS BOOK presents a dispassionate and objective account of the various aspects of the activities of the Inquisition at Goa, against the wider back-ground of the religious policy of the Portuguese in the East. It is mainly based on contemporary material, such as documents in the official archives, correspondence of the Jesuit missionaries and information given by European travellers. At the end is reprinted an account given by Dr. Dellon of his experiences as a prisoner, for about three years. This book presents a dispassionate and objective account of the various aspects of the activities of the Inquisition at Goa, against the wider background of the religious policy of the Portuguese in the East. It is mainly based on contemporary material, such as documents in the official archives, correspondence of the Jesuit missionaries and information given by European travellers. At the end is reprinted an account given by Dr. Dellon of his experiences as a prisoner, for about three years.

ISBN 13: 9788185990569

ISBN 10: 8185990565

Edition: New Delhi

Year: 2016

Language: ENGLISH

Subject(s): History, Voice of India

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