Perversion of India's political parlance

Goel, Sita Ram (1921-2003)

Edition: New Delhi

₹ 100.00

Title in ENGLISH : As one surveys India's political parlance, the first feature one notices is that while certain people and parties are described as Leftist, certain others are designated as Rightist. The second feature which invites attention is that these contradistinctive labels - Leftist and Rightist - have never been apportioned among people and parties concerned by an impartial tribunal like, say, the Election Commission. What has happened is that certain people and parties have appropriated one label - Leftist - for themselves, and reserved the other label - Rightist - for their opponents, without permission from or prior consultation with the latter. The third feature which one discovers very soon is that people and parties who call themselves Leftist, also claim to be progressive, revolutionary, socialist, secularist, and democratic. At the same time, they accuse the Rightists of being reactionary, revivalist, capitalist, and fascist. The fourth feature of the Indian political scene needs a somewhat deeper look because it goes beyond the merely political and borders on the philosophical. The Leftists claim that they are committed to a scientific interpretation of the world-process including economic, social, political, and cultural developments, and that, therefore, their plans and programmes are not only pertinent but also profitable for the modern age. Simultaneously, they accuse that the Rightists are addicted to an obscurantist view of the same world-process and, therefore, to such outmoded forms of economy, polity, and culture as are bound to be injurious at this stage of human history. One cannot help concluding that the dictionaries are not al all helpful in deciphering the Leftist language. The source of that language has to be sought elsewhere. There is no truth whatsoever in the Leftist claim that India's prevailing political parlance took shape in the course of India's fight for freedom against British imperialism. On the contrary, this parlance was imported from the Soviet Union by a Soviet fifth-column and with the help of Soviet finances. And it became predominant only towards the fag end of the freedom struggle. A close scrutiny of the Leftist language, shows that it has an affinity with the languages used earlier by Islamic, Christian, and British imperialism. That should surprise no one. Imperialism down the ages has evolved and employed a number of languages. The verbiage has varied according to differences of time and clime. But all languages of imperialism have shared certain characteristics in common. The language of Leftism passes this test quite creditably. The most significant contribution made to India's politics and public life by the language of Leftism is character assassination. Most of the time, the Leftists are poor in facts and logic but prolific in foul language. It has opened the floodgates for all sorts of questionable characters to come forward and occupy the front seats on the public stage. The full harvest of the seeds sown in the years before independence has been reaped in the post-independence period when politics and public life have become progressively a safe haven for all sorts of scoundrels masquerading as servants of the people. The prevalent political parlance will paralyse this country completely unless it is replaced by the language of Indian Nationalism. It has already transformed all sorts of traitors into patriots, and all sorts of parasites into public servants. It provides a smoke-screen behind which several types of imperialism-Islamic, Christian, Communist, and Consumerist-are stealing a march. The language of Indian Nationalism has not to be invented or synthesised from a floating mass of syllables. On the contrary, this country has known the language of Nationalism since times immemorial. This language was evolved and developed and perfected in the past by a long line of seers, sages, saints, and scholars. All our immortal literature-particularly the Veda-Vedanga, the Mahabharata, the Puran as and the Dharmasastras - was written in this language, India had spoken in this language to the rest of the world in her days of greatness and glory. This language has sustained the spiritual, cultural, social and political life of India through many stormy centuries. Sanatana Dharma has a universal face. It has been developed more fully in India than anywhere else. Moreover, in Sanatana Dharma, nationalism and internationalism are not opposed; they are two necessary expressions of the same truth. Islam, Christianity and Communism are not only denationalising but also dehumanising. Their internationalism is counterfeit, and another name for subjugation to this or that imperialist metropolis. Indian Nationalism rejects them totally and outright.

ISBN 13: 9788185990255

ISBN 10: 8185990255

Edition: New Delhi

Year: 2016

Language: ENGLISH

Subject(s): Politics, Voice of India

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